Over $17,000 donated to local non-profits in 2024
Nsce Vector Logo 2020 R6 Logo

North Sound Communications


The Journey Begins (2009): With a vision of enriching his community, Andy Nichols launched North Sound Communications. His focus? To weave a network of communication systems, one connection at a time.

Growth and Community Investment: The growth of North Sound Communications was inevitable. Facing a scarcity of electricians on the island, Andy decided to invest in local talent, training them to expand his team. This approach not only grew his business but also empowered the community.

Today’s Success: Now, North Sound Communications boasts a team of professional electricians, many of whom began as trainees. They earn a living wage and benefits while pursuing certification.

What we DID

  • Rebrand
  • Printed Collateral
  • Custom WordPress Website

Rebranding Efforts: We had the honor of designing the original NSC logo in 2015 and rebranding it in 2020.


North Sound Communications Logo 2


Nsce Vector Logo 2020 R7

Printed Collateral: Enhancing brand visibility with high-quality printed materials.

Nsc Business Cards Giant Lopez Island
Giant Lopez Island Northsound Communications Business Card Render E1696620349215
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Nsce Shirt 02

Custom WordPress Website: Creating a digital footprint with a bespoke website design.

Website Packages Header
Giant Lopez Island Northsound Communications Website Mobile